Saturday, August 31, 2019

Tomino’s Hell (Japan)

Another creepy tale from Japan and, like the Red Room, it involves a curse. The legend is about “Tomino’s Hell,” a poem in a book called The Heart is Like a Rolling Stone, written by Yomota Inuhiko. It is said that anyone who reads the poem aloud will be cursed to suffer just like Tomino. Some believed that the curse is only to suffer terrible accidents, while others say death will surely follow. Hardly anything is known how this particular urban legend sprouted from the darkest pits of Japanese imagination, but the mystery only adds more creep factor to the whole legend.

The poem itself is a horrible read. It conjures very dreadful and very graphic images that slowly shred apart the reader’s heart (unless, of course, the reader has no heart to begin with). If anyone wants to read the English version of the poem, you can read it here.

There are some foolhardy individuals who read the poem aloud and later claimed to have suffered no ill effects. However, there are those (and there are a lot of them,) who say otherwise. If someone reading this wants to tempt fate and try out if the curse is true or not, make sure to read it in the original Japanese and tell us how things work out afterwards. Best of luck!

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