Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Village of Kuldhara

The Indian village of Kuldhara was seemingly abandoned overnight, and no one knows why, though there are a few eerie theories.

There are structures in the town of Kuldhara that date back to the 13th century, but no one has lived there since 1825, when all its residents seemingly vanished into thin air.

According to local lore, 1,000 villagers completely abandoned their home overnight, without a trace. No one knows why they left, where they went, or even saw them leave.

Theories as to why they left range from poisoned wells to a greedy ruler levying high taxes to a dwindling water supply, though none of those explain why the inhabitants left so suddenly.

You might be wondering why no one has tried to resettle the town — that's where the legend comes in. It's said that the village chief cursed the land: apparently, anyone who tries to live there will die.

The Indian Paranormal Society spent a night there, and reported "Disembodied whispers, screams, noises are common at dark hours. Many of our members have witnessed apparitions, heard footsteps, experienced unusual touch and so on," according to Gulf News.

Source: www.insider.com/

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