This story happened a few years back as 2010 and has been told by my other tita, which is my dad's first cousin.
We are residing in Bacolod City, the City of Smiles. This city is being heralded as the most liveable city by experts in the Philippines due to its affordable lifestyle and rising infrastructure.
My Dad's cousin, Diday, is known to have a third eye. She can see dead people even if the person had died several years ago. One day, our other aunt in Manila, Tita Reri, passed away due to illness. It was around 2000 or so, I'm not so sure I'm not good at dates, unfortunately.

Aunt Reri lived with our other aunt, Tita Fally, together with her family before she went to Manila to stay with our other aunt, Tita Kashmir. They're all siblings, they're around 9 of them but the 2 siblings died when they were young. Our Aunt Diday is staying at our Tita Fally's house.
One night, when they were all asleep, Tita Diday heard a voice of a woman, like talking to herself. She sounded like she's angry or something and Tita Diday paused a bit to locate where was this voice came from. Tita Fally's house is a two-story house, all of their bedrooms are upstairs with a living room at the center on the second floor. Then, there's a cabinet owned by Tita Reri which is locked with all of her personal belongings inside.
The sound that Tita Diday heard was from the second-floor living room and the woman sounded like she's looking for something inside the cabinet. Tita Diday stood and checked by opening the door from their bedroom and found a woman dressed like our beloved Tita Reri. Tita Diday froze a few seconds when she saw the woman and quickly went back to bed, covers herself with a blanket and prayed until the voice was gone.
This story always sends a shiver down my spine when I remember it. Actually, I felt goosebumps while I'm writing this.
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