Saturday, October 6, 2018

The Night Doctors

Slide 11 of 31: Also known as Night Riders and Ku Klux Doctors, they represent a sort of boogeyman in African American folklore. The tale says that doctors looking for victims to experiment on would lurk in the dark, waiting for the opportunity to kidnap them.
Also known as Night Riders and Ku Klux Doctors, they represent a sort of boogeyman in African American folklore. The tale says that doctors looking for victims to experiment on would lurk in the dark, waiting for the opportunity to kidnap them.
The rumors were spread by whites who were trying to prevent the former slaves from moving to the north. Unfortunately, the boogeyman has some factual basis.

There is some evidence that 19th-century doctors were performing experiments on members of the African American community. White farmers used this as a scare tactic against blacks, a technique that was picked up by the Klu Klux Klan after the Civil War.

Slide 13 of 31: There is some evidence that 19th-century doctors were performing experiments on members of the African American community. White farmers used this as a scare tactic against blacks, a technique that was picked up by the Klu Klux Klan after the Civil War.

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